New Family FAQs
Welcome to the Davenport Christian School family! To help you learn more about the school, we’ve put together a list of frequently asked questions and their answers. If you don’t see a question/answer on this list, please ask; we are here to help! Email Paul Ryan ( or call (717) 433-1401.
School Schedule
The doors open at 8 a.m. and students are to be in their classrooms by 8:30 a.m.
On very cold or rainy days, students may be allowed to wait inside the entryways, but on most days students should expect to wait outside until 8 a.m.
School ends at 3:00 p.m. on Monday through Friday.
Kindergarteners meet Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m. until noon.
Traffic Flow/parking
Pick up and drop off are at the entrance of the school. If others are picking up or dropping off ahead of you, please line up your vehicle in single file.
There is a parking area in the back. Or, both sides of 15th street have parking.
There is a parking area in the back. Or, both sides of 15th street have parking.
After the first few days of school, we encourage parents to drop their children off at school and let them go into the building to their classrooms on their own. This helps with confidence and independence. Faculty and/or staff will be there to greet students as they come into the building.
Please send a note to your child’s teacher or the office letting us know that your child will be leaving early. You can either come into the office to sign your child out or you can tell your child to go to the office to sign themselves out and meet you in the drop off/pick up lane or the parking lot.
Chapels are held once each week on Wednesday at 10 a.m.
Visitor & Special Events
Absolutely! We love parent visits. Just contact the school administrator to make him aware of you intentions.
Grandparent/Special Friends Day is held each year (usually in the spring) and is an opportunity for them to visit our school. However, grandparents and special friends are always welcome to join your child at lunch or during recess.
Parents are responsible for transportation of their kids to and from school.
Lunch Program
Each student is responsible for bringing their own lunch. A microwave is provided if they want to warm up food.
School Supplies
DCS provides most of the needed school supplies for students. The school will communicate with parents if there are items your child needs.
School Communication
We have a couple of school calendars that parents will want to keep track of. The School Calendar is linked on our website. This calendar indicates the schedule of our school breaks & holidays, parent/teacher conferences, report card distribution, etc.
More information will be posted on our website and social media.
The Parent/Student Handbook will be given to parents before enrollment.
Report cards are published before each parent teacher conference. You will receive an email with your child’s report card.
Parents will receive an invitation to sign up to receive texts notifying them of weather delays, late starts, early outs, or cancellations. The invitation to sign up for these texts comes from our School Administrator, usually when we anticipate the first major weather event. We will also post any schedule changes to our school’s Facebook page.
Tuition payments are due in single installments at the start of each semester. If needed other payment arrangements are possible.